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Title: Mastering the Art of Making Tomato and Egg Scramble: A Step-by-Step Guide in English

Have you ever wondered how to make the perfect tomato and egg scramble? If so, you've come to the right place. This article will provide you with a detailed, easy-to-follow guide on how to make this delicious dish, complete with English expressions. By the end of this article, you'll be a pro at making this classic Chinese recipe.

To begin with, let's discuss the necessary ingredients and tools you'll need for this dish.


* 2 large tomatoes

* 2 eggs

* 1 small onion (optional)

* 1 clove of garlic (optional)

* 1 tablespoon of oil (any type will do)

* Salt and pepper, to taste

* 1/4 teaspoon of sugar (optional)


* A large skillet or wok

* A wooden spoon or spatula

* A knife

* A cutting board

Now that you have all the necessary ingredients and tools, let's dive into the step-by-step process.

1. Preheat the skillet:

Place your skillet or wok on the stove and turn the heat to medium. Allow the skillet to heat up for a few minutes before adding any oil.

2. Chop the tomatoes:

While the skillet is heating up, chop the tomatoes into small cubes. Make sure to remove the seeds and juice from the tomatoes, as this will help prevent the dish from being too watery.

3. Beat the eggs:

Crack the eggs into a small bowl and beat them with a fork or chopsticks until they're well combined.

4. Add oil to the skillet:

Once the skillet is hot, add 1 tablespoon of oil and swirl it around to coat the bottom and sides of the skillet.

5. Saute the garlic and onion (optional):

If you're using garlic and onion, add them to the skillet and saute them for about 30 seconds, or until they become fragrant.

6. Add the tomatoes to the skillet:

Pour the chopped tomatoes into the skillet and cook them for about 3-4 minutes, or until they start to soften.

7. Pour in the eggs:

Carefully pour the beaten eggs into the skillet, making sure to cover the tomatoes evenly.

8. Scramble the eggs and tomatoes:

Use a wooden spoon or spatula to continuously scramble the eggs and tomatoes together. This will help the eggs cook evenly and combine with the tomatoes.

9. Season the dish:

Once the eggs are almost cooked, season the dish with salt, pepper, and sugar (if using). Mix well to combine.

10. Remove from heat:

Once the eggs are fully cooked and the dish is heated through, remove the skillet from the heat.

11. Serve:

Serve the tomato and egg scramble hot, garnished with any additional herbs or spices you prefer.

And there you have it! A delicious, homemade tomato and egg scramble, made entirely from scratch. This dish is not only flavorful but also nutritious, making it the perfect breakfast or quick meal.

In conclusion, making tomato and egg scramble may seem intimidating at first, but with the right instructions and a few simple steps, you can easily master this classic Chinese dish. Remember to have fun, be creative, and most importantly, enjoy the delicious results of your labor.
