
宋淳美 已认证




1. "I ** sorry, but I do not understand your question. Could you please rephrase it?"(对不起,我不理解你的问题。你可以重新表达它吗?)

2. "I ** the person you are asking about."(你就是在问我的人。)

3. "My n**e is [n**e]."(我的名字是 [名字])

4. "I ** [age]."(我 [年龄])

5. "I ** a [job] at [company]."(我是 [职位] 在 [公司])

6. "I ** a student studying [subject]."(我是学生,学习 [科目])

7. "I ** a teacher teaching [subject]."(我是老师,教 [科目])

8. "I ** a doctor practicing [medicine]."(我是医生,从事 [医学])

9. "I ** a firefighter fighting [fire]."(我是消防员,扑灭 [火灾])

10. "I ** a volunteer working for [cause]."(我是志愿者,为 [事业] 工作)



1. "I'm someone n**ed [n**e]."

2. "I'm [gender]."

3. "I'm [age]."

4. "I'm the person who asked you this question."

5. "I'm the one who's asking you this question."

6. "I'm the one who's answering this question."

7. "I'm [n**e of object or ani**l]."


You can respond by saying, "I'm sorry, could you please repeat your question? I didn't hear it properly." or "Thank you for the question, but I'm not sure I understand it. Could you please clarify?"

1. "I ** a user of this platform."

2. "I ** a computer progr**."

3. "I ** a hu**n being."

4. "I ** a citizen of the world."

5. "I ** a teacher."

6. "I ** a student."

7. "I ** a scientist."

8. "I ** an artist."

9. "I ** a farmer."

10. "I ** a worker."

Sure! Here are a few ex**ples of how to reply to the question "who are you?" in English:

1. "I'm a student at the University of California, Berkeley."

2. "I'm a teacher from New York City."

3. "I'm a professional musician from London."

4. "I'm a researcher at the University of C**bridge."

5. "I'm a vet from Los Angeles."

6. "I'm a doctor from London."

7. "I'm a lawyer from New York City."

8. "I'm a firefighter from Chicago."

9. "I'm a sol***r from Afghanistan."

10. "I'm a volunteer at the local ani**l shelter."

These are just a few ex**ples of how you can reply to the question "who are you?" in English. You can also say "I'm nobody" or "I'm just a random person" if you want to be honest about your identity.

