
叶欣汝 已认证




法国用英语可以说 France。下面是一些常用的法语词汇和翻译:

- Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) - 你好

- Comment ça va? (koh-**hn sah vah?) - 你怎么样?

- Je m'appelle (zhuh **h-pell) - 我叫...

- Merci (mehr-see) - 谢谢

- Au revoir (oh ruh-vwahr) - 再见

- Bonsoir (bohn-swahr) - 晚上好

- C'est bon (seh zhuh) - 很好

- Comment ça va? (koh-**hn sah vah?) - 你怎么样?

- Je m'appelle (zhuh **h-pell) - 我叫...

- Merci (mehr-see) - 谢谢

- Au revoir (oh ruh-vwahr) - 再见

- Bonsoir (bohn-swahr) - 晚上好

- C'est bon (seh zhuh) - 很好



Here are some common French vocabulary and their translations in English:

- Avoir ("to have")

- Déjà ("already")

- Encore ("again")

- Quoi ("what")

- Attendre ("to wait")

- Pardon ("sorry")

- Ça ("it")

- Alors ("then")

- Au revoir ("goodbye")

- Je ("I")

- Tu ("you")

- Il ("he")

- She (it is feminine)

- On ("we")

- Vous ("you")

- Nous ("we")

- Le ("the")

- La ("the")

- Un ("a")

- Du ("of")

- Laissez ("let's")

- Essayer ("try")

- Rester ("to stay")

- Venir ("to come")

- Dé**rrer ("to start")

- Terminer ("to finish")

- Attendre ("to wait")

- Parler ("to speak")

- Être ("to be")

- Voir ("to see")

- Sentir ("to feel")

- Casser ("to break")

- Boire ("to drink")

- cuisine ("cooking")

- Matière ("**terial")

- Monnaie ("money")

- Avoir ("to have")

- Personne ("nobody")

- Personne ("nobody")

- Lecture ("reading")

- Laisser ("to let")

- Apprendre ("to learn")

- Terminer ("to finish")

- Rester ("to stay")

- Avoir ("to have")

- Faire ("to do")

- Matière ("**terial")

- Sortir ("to go out")

- Dé**rrer ("to start")

- Terminer ("to finish")

- Rester ("to stay")

- Venir ("to come")

- Essayer ("to try")

- Terminer ("to finish")

- Avoir ("to have")

- Personne ("nobody")

- Lecture ("reading")

- Apprendre ("to learn")

- Terminer ("to finish")

- Rester ("to stay")

- Matière ("**terial")

- Sortir ("to go out")

- Dé**rrer ("to start")

- Terminer ("to finish")

- Rester ("to stay")

- Venir ("to come")

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, just a selection of common vocabulary used in French.

Sure, here is a list of frequently used French words and their English equivalents:

1. Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) - Hello

2. Comment ça va? (koh-**hn sah vah?) - How are you?

3. Je m'appelle (zhuh **h-pell) - My n**e is...

4. D'accord (d'kall) - Sure

5. Comment ça va? (koh-**hn sah vah?) - How are you?

6. Je m'en vais (zhuh **h-nwah vah) - I'm leaving

7. Avoir (a-vwahr) - To have

8. Comment ça va? (koh-**hn sah vah?) - How are you?

9. Je vais (zhuh vah) - I'm going

10. Maintenant (**hn-tohn-tohn) - Now

11. Quoi? (koh-yeh) - What?

12. Comment? (koh-**hn) - How?

13. Bonsoir (bohn-swahr) - Good evening

14. Comment ça va? (koh-**hn sah vah?) - How are you?

15. Je m'appelle (zhuh **h-pell) - My n**e is...

16. D'accord (d'kall) - Sure

17. Comment ça va? (koh-**hn sah vah?) - How are you?

18. Je vais (zhuh vah) - I'm going

19. Avoir (a-vwahr) - To have

20. Maintenant (**hn-tohn-tohn) - Now

Note: These are just a few ex**ples of frequently used French words and their English equivalents. The list can vary depending on the context and the region of France.


1. "Je m'appelle" (我叫...) - 英语翻译为 "My n**e is..."

2. "Il y a" (有...) - 英语翻译为 "There is..."

3. "Ça va?" (怎么样?) - 英语翻译为 "How are you?"

4. "Je ne connais pas" (我不知道) - 英语翻译为 "I don't k***."

5. "Que voulez-vous?" (你要什么?) - 英语翻译为 "What do you want?"

6. "Merci" (谢谢) - 英语翻译为 "Thank you."

7. "Quel est votre nom?" (你叫什么名字?) - 英语翻译为 "What is your n**e?"

8. "Je veux" (我想) - 英语翻译为 "I want."

9. "Je ne peux pas" (我不能) - 英语翻译为 "I can't."

10. "C'est bon" (很好) - 英语翻译为 "It's good."


